Tuesday, March 15, 2016


       It was the late 1990's and I had moved to Marshalltown and had started my residential cleaning service. On one of my annual trips to the Iowa State Fair, one of my rituals was visiting the Quilt displays which at that time was held in an area under the Grandstand. 

       There was this particular traditional looking quilt that caught my eye due to its colors and design. At this moment I couldn't tell you the name of the design as I don't proclaim to be an authority on quilts. I just know what I like. It is a good thing that I don't  have a lot of money or I could go broke collecting old quilts.

      I got close enough to see the name on the tag with the display and this quilt had received a 2nd place ribbon. The lady was from Prairie City and I simply called information and got her phone number. I called and asked if she would be interested in selling it. She was and gave me a price which at the time I thought was extremely reasonable. 

      I told her that I was from Marshalltown and that I would drive down to pick it up if she didn't want to send it. It just so happened that she had a sister that lived in Marshalltown and was also a cleaning customer of mine. She was coming up the following week-end to visit her sister. This quilt was meant to be mine!  

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