Monday, March 7, 2016


       This past Sunday I saw the new movie at the cinema in Corrallville-"London has Fallen." The movie won by default as there weren't any other movies on the big screen that I really wanted to see. Yes, I could have just stayed home, but, I do enjoy the big screen and especially when I can do it for just $5.00. I also have learned or adjusted to not buying anything from the concession stand.

      Most Catastrophe movies I have tried to shy away from as they just do not interest me. However, the flow of this movie was very good and got moving pretty quickly. And, despite the fact that the good guy makes it through this movie without a scratch while being shot at by dozens of bad guys with thousands of rounds of ammunition and most in narrow streets or alley ways without being hit once! But, this is a movie right?

       I am not going to get in to the plot as you can go online and check it all out. All I am saying is that this movie kept my interest all the way through. That is tough to do for me in lots of cases. Even if you are undecided when picking out a movie from Redbox keep it in mind. It was the 2nd biggest grossing movie this week-end, but not much competition.


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