Saturday, March 12, 2016


      In today's Des Moines Register, in the "YOUR 2 CENTS WORTH" column was a brief that I too get tired of in the paper. The brief went like this: I am  so sick of reading in the newspaper about all the wineries and breweries in Iowa. You would assume that everyone living here were boozers. One starts to feel like a real outsider if you don't care to partake!----How about finding a new favorite topic!

       I guess I agree. It is cool that a lot of new business is created by new wineries and breweries, but, it seems that the Resgister over reports on the whole subject a little to often. I guess as a non drinker and in the Senior category, maybe I am just not hip enough to appreciate all that is written in the name of booze! There has to be more new businesses out there being created to write about.  Start thinking more outside the box!

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