Thursday, March 31, 2016
During my sophomore year in high school at Laurel, Iowa, we had a new football coach by the name of Spitznagle.(spelling could be wrong) Of course he didn't know any of us guys and I wanted to make sure that I got a plug in to him as to where I believed my talents were in the sport of football.
My point was that Larry Laverty, a cousin and an upperclassman, had been playing a lineman or a Center to be exact. Larry was bigger and built more like a lineman. I was 135 pounds and not that tall. I was afraid of being type-cast in that I didn't want coach to think us Laverty's were just destined to be lineman.
I knew that I was a pretty fast runner as my mother ran in races semi-professionally when she was young and as her dad was an outstanding runner. My grandfather did run professionally for money at local events back around the turn of the Twentieth Century(early 1900's)
I met with the coach and gave him my pitch. To much the matter, I mentioned that I knew I could kick the football a long ways. I got hired. My sophomore, Junior, and Senior year in high school I was a staring halfback and did all the punting and kick-offs.
Maybe it would have all worked out anyway. But, I still am glad that I visited with the new coach and was grateful to be given the chance. I never regretted doing that and I believe neither did the new coach. Those three years, Laurel football was very fortunate to have had a very gifted and special group of young guys and had an outstanding team. It is OK to "Toot your own horn" on ocassion!
The other day I dug out of the console in the old Buick of mine a few CD's that I am not sure where they came from. One was Led Zeplin. On it were a couple of their top hits. I really did enjoy listening to them. In my earlier years I never did "dig them" as I thought of them being a little too hard rock. My favorites were the likes of Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Elton John. Mainstream. It is kind of fun listening to the likes of Guns and Roses, and Angus Young prancing around on stage in his shorts with AC/DC. How time changes things!
I just told the story about a lady coming into the Burg Grocery to buy ingredients for a Key Lime Pie. It reminded me of some of my favorite pies. One right up there would be a French silk pie, Pecan, and pumpkin, to just mention a few.
Recently, I made a cherry pie for the first time in my life and it was excellent I am happy to say. I also had an outstanding cherry pie in Kalona recently at the restaurant tied in with the livestock auction place and made by the Mennonites.
Years ago while living in West Des Moines a real treat was to stop at the local Village Inn for a Sunday evening treat with a cup of coffee. They always had excellent desserts and I would sit there for some time and go through the dessert menu and drool until the waitress would come back to take my order.
After some hesitation and a little frustration, I would always say "bring me a slice of cherry pie with TWO scoops of vanilla ice-cream please!! Some things like corn on the cob that you never get tired of!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
This time of year I always like to ask people if they know how the date of Easter is determined. In close to 15 years of asking different folks the question only one older gentleman from Marshalltown could answer the question correctly.
My stepdad, Maurce Korte, who never talked a lot explained it to me many years ago, but, on this one occasion I actually listened. It starts with the Equinox or the first day of Spring. It then is the first Sunday after the first full moon of the Equinox.
I always remember as a youth or even later years, someone would respond, if the question came up, that it would be "early" or "late" that year. Most responses through the years when asked the question, would be something like"I believe it's in the Bible. There you have it. It is a great trivia question if you want to call it that!
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
One of our new checker ladies at the Burg Grocery the other day asked a customer if they "found everything OK?" I used to hear that a lot when shopping at Hy Vee in Marshalltown. I always wanted to answer sometime that I HADN'T and I would be right back and pretend that I was back in the store looking for something for 5 minutes or so. The clerk probably wouldn't ask that question again I'm sure!
Monday a lady came into the Burg Grocery and bought pie crust and some lime juice and mentioned that she was going to make a Key Lime Pie. Her husband of 25 years suddenly announced one day that he was wanted a Key Lime Pie.
Maybe I am the only one that found some humor in that statement. I could just envision this middle age farmer suddenly announcing that he wanted a "KEY LIME PIE." It is a pie that originated down south, but, he evidently has never been in any southern state. I am sure he had a good reason if questioned further. but, of all the pies to want!! I know that the guys in the white suits will be picking me up soon.
Overheard on the VAN & BONNIE radio show this AM on WHO. ---"Why do we never hear of a Psychic winning the Lottery??????????
Monday, March 28, 2016
On the way back home to Williamsburg Easter Sunday, it dawned on me where I was going to have a late lunch. The "Iowa'sBest Burger Cafe and RV Center in Kellogg was just the ticket. I couldn't wait to take that first bite of what is a great hamburger. Not sure it is Iowa's best, but, is very good.
Once inside and my stomach growling louder, I was informed the restaurant was closed down because of Easter. Darn! I was off to visit our local Mickey D's in Williamsburg! It was still a very good Easter Sunday!
After the church service in Laurel on Easter Sunday I went to visit my cousin, Alan Laverty near Laurel, whom I had not sat and visited with for some time. We grew up as kids near adjoining family farms and spent much time together at family events and just playing.
The three or so hours visiting was like a marathon in seeing who could out remind the other of some great and cherished memories. I guess when you get two old Irishman together anything goes--especially the humor and laughter. Alan is a lot like my sister Doris in that he has such a remarkable memory for family and local stories with such detail!
One promise I will keep to Alan is that we will get together more often and just enjoy sharing old memories and maybe a few new ones along the way!
This past Easter Sunday, 3/27/2016, I drove to Laurel and met my sister Doris for Easter service at the United Methodist Church where I attended as a youth and Doris stills attends and has been a member her entire life. Sarah Eddy, Doris' daughter also was in attendance along with Celeste Eddy,Doris' granddaughter.
We won't get into how long it has been since I have attended a Sunday service in Laurel but it shows it is never too late and it brought back good memories being there. If you are ever back visiting or want to try attending a different church service this is an excellent answer.
Scott Lothe is the current pastor and although I have known he and his family for a number of years, I had never heard him speak as a minister. He is one in a million with a method of getting his message across and great sense of humor that will want you to return! It was a very rewarding Easter service. If you are ever back visiting or just want to attend a very rewarding Sunday service you won't be disappointed!
Friday, March 25, 2016
Years ago I would chuckle at my mother who would sit at the kitchen table and do cross word puzzles and those games where you would find words and circle them etc. She would do some of that by the hour.
The game has changed a little today with social media and all. When I get the chance I find myself taking various tests that appear on Facebook. Especially the ones that I excel like US geography and history. Those are good to test your memory from time to time. I shy away from tests that include Eastern European Art of the 17th Century!
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Someone the other day was overheard talking about their favorite teacher whether it be grade or high school. I know of one person while in high school that taught me something I struggled with and that had immediate results.
It was my own sister Doris. I am not exactly sure what grade it was, but, it was bookkeeping. I just couldn't grasp those pesky "debits and credits!" Doris was out of school and was working in the accounting area of Hawkeye Chevrolet in Newton, Iowa. One night she must have sensed my frustration and had the patience to try and help me.
To this day I don't know what she did or said to help me with that nasty "double entry" stuff, but, she did. Praise the Lord! From that point on those little devils were as clear as a Canadian sky. I ended up acing the course. Maybe I missed my calling. Being a "bean counter" didn't seem my cup of tea!
It was New Year's in the early 1980's and my ex-wife, May, and I went to Burnsville, Minnesota to spend the Holiday with friends. That evening we went to a near-by Club that had live music and it was an enjoyable evening.
From there we went to another bar where my friend frequented. As we all probably had to much to drink, a bartender acquaintance of my friend offered to drive us home. Somewhere along the way we drove through a new development and the bartender driver, in his SVU, decided to drive up and over this huge pile of dirt.
The big problem was the pile had been "cut" into and when we reached the top it was straight down. We landed and rolled over. We were all stunned for a minute and I remember hearing and smelling gasoline pouring out on to the ground. Some of were also smoking at the time.
I remember sitting there thinking if my time was up so be it. I didn't really panic. Fortunately, someone kicked open a door and we all got out safely. Someone was watching over us that night. That was the closest I ever felt that the end was near!
Another classic from the 1950's was a song by Gene Vincent called "Be Bop A Lulu." It was another one of those innocent R&R songs from that era. Steve Allen, who had a comedy show back in the 50's/60's did a bit on this song one night and read the lyrics like he was reading a very serious poem.
It went like this:
Be Bop A Lula she's my baby,
Be Bop A Lula I don't mean maybe.
Be Bop A Lula She's My baby
Be Bop A Lulu I don't mean maybe.
She's my baby doll, my baby doll, my baby doll.
Well, She's the girl in the red blue jeans.
She's the queen of all the Teens
She's the one that I Know,
She's the one that loves me so!(just first verse)
When I heard this read by Steve Allen, who was one of my favorite whacky funny men, I thought it was so humorous that at one of the Laurel Alumni gatherings years ago I did the "bit" as part of the program. Most everybody just looked at me like I was crazy. Well, they could have been right, but, most of the older alumni probably didn't relate to the Rock song or the humor of Steve Allen. Who knows, maybe some day I'll get the chance to do it again!
You have to laugh at some of the lyrics in the songs from the 1950's. This song by Little Richard is right up there. Especially, when you hear a phrase like "Wop Bop a Loo Bop a Lop Bom Bom!" and "I got a gal named Sue She Knows Just What To Do!" You can't beat it!
Back in the 1980's, there was a bar/club in the Court Avenue area of downtown Des Moines, Iowa. On one ocassion yours truly with some encouragement when out on the dance floor did a "lip sink" to this song by Little Richard. I knew the lyrics well and did such a good job that I won "free drinks" for my entire office of Realtors who were there! Don't forget! "He also had a gal named Daisy who almost drove him Crazy!"
When I was sixteen years old my first car was a 1957 Chevy and second was a 1963 Chevy. From there I bought a Mercury Marquis, a 1968 or 69 Ford Galaxy that was a company car from General Mills that I initially worked for.
Through the years I had a Buick, Oldsmobile, Ford Explorer, Jeep Cherokee, and even a small Cadillac Seville when selling real estate back in the late 1970's. Even a little sporty Mazda RX 7.
Then we come up to today. Right now I am zooming in on a "pre-owned " Chevy Malibu! I just like the look and size of it. I won't get into the color, but, I told the salesperson I probably won't settle for anything but silver. I always liked the color because it was easy to keep clean and it had a rich look to it.
It seems like lots of things in life as you get older keeps coming back. I guess it won't be too bad if this is one of those "comes around" categories! Besides, it will be fun if I do get and go around saying "MALIBU!"
This song by ELO always intrigued me and the phrase that ended with "Bruce!" Evidently,it wasn't Bruce but a made up lyric "Groosss." Anyway, I always thought it was funny! Another worthless tidbit learned while talking to a customer at the Burg Grocery!
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
My school classes at Laurel Consolidated School from elementary through high school generally ran at a ratio of 15 boys to 5 girls. So why was it that my closet playmate growing up that only lived a quarter mile away was a girl.
Karen Paul lived on a farm just down the road on a farm with her parents Phyllis and Virgil Paul. It was an easy walk. Karen was to me like Margaret was to Dennis in "Dennis the Menace." She could really be a "pain" sometimes and bossy. That's all I am going to say on the subject.
There were lots of times that she would say something like "I am never coming back here." Then she would leave and go home. I knew that would only last for a day or so. Sometimes I wonder with having a girl for a close playmate, losing my dad at an early age, two sisters, and mostly all female teachers, it is a wonder I didn't turn out stranger than I did!
In 1980 and returning from the Los Angles area while visiting friends, we decided to drive to an area of the Redwood National Forest northeast of the LA area. It was not that far out of our way home and I had always wanted to see those "Giant" trees.
When arriving we began winding up the mountain to view these beautiful giants. We kept going up and up and up. I finally stopped a guy that was headed down and asked him if there were actually huge trees on up! Oh Ya, was the reply.
It was hard for me to believe that the higher we went we would see something at a higher altitude that would be that big. I was used to the Rocky Mountains and the higher you climbed the less was the oxygen thus larger trees would not survive. But, up we went and yes around one more bend there they were along with the biggest one called "General Grant."
One thing that happened when we first arrived at the top was that this huge pine cone fell right in front of our car. For years I displayed it on an small plastic easel on the fireplace mantle. Some day I will research the logic of how those large trees grew so big at that altitude.
Watching a re-run of "Call Saul" last night a good lawyers joke was brought up. What's the difference between a Tick and a Lawyer?" When you die you get rid of the Tick!
It was 1987 and my ex and I had driven to New Orleans and the Jazz Festival. I always had a compulsion to go to Galveston. Maybe it was just from the song by Glen Campbell, "Galveston."
The drive from New Orleans to Galveston was not that scenic, but, we did visit "Oak Alley" one of the south's most scenic mansions with its driveway of over 150 year old oak trees shading the long lane up to the Antebellum with its pinkish glow. I photographed it and still is one of my most cherished photos.
Once in Galveston, it was somewhat anticlimactic as it was a Sunday afternoon late and a storm of some significance was coming in off the Gulf producing some pretty big waves. At the end of a large and long pier sat a rustic restaurant still open that time of day and even though the weather was very threatening.
The restaurant was quite large with this huge chalk board up high and at one end with all kind of yummy seafood items. Knowing that this would be my last shot at enjoying good "Gulf" food before heading back to Iowa, I didn't hold back.
When the waiter came and took our order, I am sure he wondered how many people I was ordering for or if he was dealing with a lunatic. To this day I don't remember all I ate, but I did a lot of sampling of fish and seafood that was baked, sauteed, battered, baked and fried. or in a stew. My, oh, my, that was living. And, with that stormy day a brewing it made it all extra special!
Monday, March 21, 2016
By Pam Harazim
Come, look with me inside this drawer,
in this box I've often seen.
The pictures, black and white,
faces proud, still and serene.
I wish I knew the people,
these strangers in the box.
Their names and all their memories
are lost among the socks.
I wonder what their lives were like,
how did they spend their days.
What about their special times,
I'll never know their ways.
If only someone had taken time
to tell who, what and when.
Those faces of my heritage
would come to life again
Could this become the fate
of the pictures we take today?
The faces and the memories
someday to be tossed away.
Make time to save your pictures,
Seize the opportunity when it knocks.
Or someday you and yours could be
the strangers in the box.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
After I shared the story about my sister Doris finding an old post card that I sent her from New York City years ago, it reminded me of another fond memory while out there in the late 1960's . The couple we stayed with owned a 1958 black Chevrolet SS Impala convertible. My cousin Larry Laverty had a 2 dr. black 58' coupe, but not a convertible. It was a cool ride.
On the one Sunday we were there, we drove from their home in northern New Jersey under the Holland Tunnel and into Manhattan. We drove down to the tip of the Island, in the Wall Street area, and put the top down. Then we proceeded uptown on Broadway with the top down to get a great view of all the big buildings and sights. It was so fantastic to be sitting in the back seat of this cool car and taking it all in.
Bud, our host, did make a wrong turn after getting all the way uptown and we found ourselves in the Harlem area. After some concern, we did find our way over to the George Washington Bridge and the Hudson River and back to Jersey and their home. What a way to see the sights of New York City!
Yesterday(3/19/2016) I drove to Kalona to check out the Alternative or Exotic Animal Auction held at least annually. I thought it was something when I heard about it that it would be quite an event. It was! But, just not what I expected.
First, there were just too many people for a one day event. In one area they auctioned everything from chickens and parakeets to gerbils and fur-less rats! In the other ring was Buffalo, Llamas, and exotic cattle. I am not sure what I was really expecting. Maybe I was looking for a few Camels and Zebras or Bears oh my!
One salvation was before I decided that it was way to crowded, I slipped into the attached restaurant and had sausage and gravy which did make up for my overall disappointment in the event. The type of people that were there, I would say, it was almost better than what you see at the Iowa State Fair or maybe sitting outside a Walmart for a little strange people watching! At least I can scratch it off my "local" bucket list!
Speaking of cool photo's! It was one of my first times skiing in Colorado back in the late 1970's. With friends, Don Brittin, and Bob Merritt we went out to Aspen, Colorado to enjoy the spectacular scenery in one of this country's greatest ski destinations.
During a lunch break at a mid level mountain slope restaurant and before getting ready to do some more down hill skiing, I spotted a lovely "snow bunny" putting on her ski's. And, since Don had a camera strapped around his neck to take a photo of her! So he did. End of story until we returned home.
When he took his negatives in to a local photo shop to be developed, he made a big discovery. Off the reflection of the glass of the restaurant behind the young lovely was a skier doing a complete somersault, and caught the skier upside down in mid-air. That week-end there was some Ski Jumping competition going on with ESPN televising it.
Here we thought all we were taking was a simple "bachelor's" picture of a pretty girl and we got this fantastic picture just by luck! Never knew what finally happened to that picture as my friend, Don, passed away with cancer a few years ago!
Sometimes I get the itch to get back into photography as a hobby. Years ago I had a good 35 mm camera with zooms, power wind and wide angle lens. And, at a time when we used "real" film.
The other day while rummaging through some "old photos" I ran across one of my favorite that I took back in 1980 on January 2nd on Malibu Beach, California. We had been out visiting friends and attending the Rose Bowl with Ohio State vs. USC. The following day and before heading home, we went out to Malibu Beach just to say that I had walked the beach there.
While walking the beach, of course I had my camera and was ready for a good photo of some kind. All of a sudden I spotted this guy out a short distance on a serf board and decided to take a shot. When I shot the picture he was just on the verge of falling off in this awkward position and the same time another young guy was walking toward me and was throwing a Frisbee to his dog. When I had the photo developed I also discovered I had caught a sea gall in the picture.
I thought I had a pretty cool picture. Especially, with the guy falling from the surf board plus the dog on the verge of catching the Frisbee in his mouth. I took it to a Photo Shop in Des Moines later and the gut there said it wasn't really a good photo because there was too much stuff going on. I still wish I would have it enlarged and entered it at the Iowa State Fair. I still think it's a pretty good Photograph if I do say so!
For my age, 72, I feel health wise I am in pretty good shape in that I am not taking any prescriptions expect one for cholesterol, a baby aspirin, and a general vitamin each day. Every morning I power walk 25 minutes plus three days a week I work part-time at a local grocery store and am pretty much walking or moving about for 7 hours per day.
My problem is as it is for millions of Americans weight.For most of last year I lost close to 15 pounds, but, the Holidays killed me and I am back to square one. Or in my case square over 200 plus.
My next doctor's appointment is the end of this month (3/2106) and I am going to ask him if he thinks it wise to get off my cholesterol medication if I lose weight and watch what I eat, and then see what my count is at my next visit. Since my prescription is so cheap it may not be worth the risk. Stay tuned!
By now everyone west of the Mississippi knows that while traveling one pleasure is finding a "neat place" for breakfast. It's great even if not traveling. This experience happened after returning from southern California and visiting friends around New Year's of 1980.
We had stayed the night just before crossing the desert and heading to Las Vegas. The first job was to find a place for a little breakfast before hitting the road. We were out in an desolate area and first came upon a small diner with lots of domestic pick-ups out front. Lots of locals but with our Japanese Mazda RX-7 didn't think it wise.
We drove on a few miles a spotted a small diner with no one in sight but looked interesting. Don't ask me why! It just called to me. Once inside the place it was spotless with tables and checkered tablecloths. It hadn't been open very long. New owners I guess.
The waitress came over and took our order. I was hungry and was ready to really chow down. Eggs sunny side-up, toast, bacon, and a side of pancakes and beverage. The works! And, it was all delicious. Oh my! When the ticket came and time to pay the dollar amount was extremely low even by 1980's standards. Either we just lucked out, or I hadn't lost my touch of picking good places, or we did just go through the Twighlight Zone somewhere along the way!
A co-worker left for a family rendezvous at Myrtle Beach, North Carolina this past week. I told her to make sure she reports back with a good dining story when she returns. Of course, it reminded me of at least one good dining out story in a scenic setting while traveling.
It all started years ago, in the 1980's, with a trip to the Meadowlands in New Jersey. It was the first football "Kick-off Classic" between the Iowa Hawkeyes and the Tennessee. It was decided between my ex-wife, May, and I decided to travel on up into New England for a little sight-seeing. No matter if the Hawkeyes lost or not at least make the trip worthwhile.
Well. the Hawks did lose and we were off and headed to see at least a bit off Maine before heading back home. We headed north from New York City along Connecticut, Rhode Island and stopping in Newport which in itself a story for another day. We continued on through Boston until arriving in Maine.
I knew before heading back home that somewhere along the beautiful coast of Maine, that the trip would not be complete without dining at a scenic ocean view spot. Somewhere near Kennebunkport was the destination. The key was stopping somewhere along the way and asking the right local person where we would find our dining utopia.
We stopped at an upscale gift shop and asked a nice lady there and hit the jack-pot. There was such an area just about five miles down the highway called Perkins Cove. There were three or four excellent restaurants on this cove. All good. Take your pick. After picking our restaurant, the hostess led us to our outdoor patio table.
It was just after Labor Day and the air was crisp, the sun out in all its glory and not too windy. What a view of the Atlantic with huge jagged cliffs to one side with the waves crashing about. It was a scene out of a movie. Very little effort by just asking with the reward of a life-time memory.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
In the late 1970's and after I began my real estate career, I started to shop for my suits and day to day work attire at Reichardt's Clothing Store in the Roosevelt Shopping Center just north and near 42nd Street and I-235. The reason I decided to shop there was the line of clothing was of a "traditional and very conservative look."
Suits were all with natural shoulders(not padded) and the ties were all traditional looks and the shirts were mostly button down and cotton. Although the cost was generally higher, I normally bought my suits when there were sales and received very good value. And, during trendy styles coming and going, you always felt that you were well dressed in a tasteful and conservative way.Plus, better made clothing always lasted longer.
But, when shopping there I always informed the sales person to just let me be and when I was ready to purchase after making up my mind, I would call him over for a fitting. To me there is nothing worse than having a sales person hovering and telling you everything you look at or try on "looks great." Baloney! PS. I used to a let a sales person, at a frequently shopped furniture store in Urbandale, follow me around for awhile then politely ask them to leave me alone until I made a decision. Nothing worse than a sales person trying to sell a sales person! That store, Pidgeon's Furniture Store finally began offering "browsing buttons."
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I decided to write about the one possession that I treasure that I always thought would be the last thing I ever sold if life dictated. It is a priceless item to me that at least I know came from Ireland with my great grand-father, Thomas M. Laverty and family in the late 1860's and finally settling south of Laurel, Iowa in the early 1870's.
The family treasure that I possess is a Victorian Dome Top/Humpback "Saratoga" Steamer Trunk. It is believed that there were three of these trunks and I was fortunate to have received one after the passing of my great uncle Patrick Laverty.
While in college in the mid 1960's, I refinished the exterior to its original look as possible. The interior was badly damaged and my step dad, Maurice Korte built a "tray" to fit inside for added storage space. Although an antique authority might be critical of refurbishing the original trunk, it is still in excellent condition and the family importance and what it represents is still present. Many of my other family treasure's are kept in it along with my stories from "Now and Ago."
My sister Doris, recently on a visit, pulled out an old letter that I had written to her back in October 1966. The interesting factor in this finding is that I wrote it to her while living at 7705 Dennis Drive in Urbandale, Iowa and she lived south of Laurel, Iowa. Maybe 50 miles away. Why not use the telephone. I don't know! Letter writing was still used and one way to communicate even short distances.
My letter to her was not that fascinating. Just telling her that I was still a little upset that I had to take one math course at Drake to graduate as they had not computed my "credit hours" correctly and would not let me out of his one class. It meant that I wouldn't graduate until January of 1967. It always made me mad that I graduated in fours years and one semester! At least I graduated.
We have come a long way with cell-phones, E Mail, Texting, Twittering, Facebook, U Tube and others. It is still nice to have these pieces of paper and the historical value of how we did things once upon a time!
A customer at the Burg Grocery said he was just going to just "check things out?" It reminded me of a time when I used to shop for clothing in that manner. The following story will show you what I mean.
In the late 1970's and early 1980's, I worked at Allied Mutual Insurance Company in downtown Des Moines and was located up by Vet's Auditorium. At lunch time, and Allied had its own cafeteria, some of us would walk the few blocks to the hub of the downtown and then back again. It was always good to get out of the office and get a little exercise.
Back then one of the biggest retail stores was Younker's. It was a time when down-towns were diminishing in retail activity, but, still a factor. On occasion I would swing through Younker's and check out the latest in shirts or other men's clothing items. Usually on that day I would just think about it overnight and then the next day swoop in and make the sale. I still use that technique somewhat still today. Never rush into it. Maybe by tomorrow you will talk yourself out of it thus saving some dough!
Earlier this week I watched the movie "The Big Short" that I rented from our local library. I had heard good things about it and it was fantastic. If you like strong male stars this is for you. It stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt.
To keep a complicated premise simple it is about the housing collapse around 2005-2007 and how originally one eccentric Hedge Fund Manager on Wall Street believes that the housing market will soon bust. Nobody, of course, at first believes him. He devises a way to basically "bet" money that it will collapse and puts up millions of dollars while others believe that it won't.
A lot of the the financial jargon, for most people, will not be understood along with yours truly. Just think of all Wall Street or stock market activity as one person thinking something will go up and somebody is thinking the opposite just like all stock market activity. It carries a lot of intrigue throughout the movie and is based on a true story. Selling short, thus the term "The Big Short" is when someone places an "order" and that person believes it will decrease or go down.
It is fascinating to have lived through that time and knowing that the big banks committed fraud and a lot of them collapsed and yet our government baled them out. And, these fraudulent shenanigans by big Wall Street Banks continues today! Nothing really changed!
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
It was the late 1990's and I had moved to Marshalltown and had started my residential cleaning service. On one of my annual trips to the Iowa State Fair, one of my rituals was visiting the Quilt displays which at that time was held in an area under the Grandstand.
There was this particular traditional looking quilt that caught my eye due to its colors and design. At this moment I couldn't tell you the name of the design as I don't proclaim to be an authority on quilts. I just know what I like. It is a good thing that I don't have a lot of money or I could go broke collecting old quilts.
I got close enough to see the name on the tag with the display and this quilt had received a 2nd place ribbon. The lady was from Prairie City and I simply called information and got her phone number. I called and asked if she would be interested in selling it. She was and gave me a price which at the time I thought was extremely reasonable.
I told her that I was from Marshalltown and that I would drive down to pick it up if she didn't want to send it. It just so happened that she had a sister that lived in Marshalltown and was also a cleaning customer of mine. She was coming up the following week-end to visit her sister. This quilt was meant to be mine!
While we are on the subject of quilts, this particular quilt has special meaning to mainly this Grandpa! It is a heavy old "Crazy Quilt" that I purchased in the mid 1990's at a huge flea market at the Varied Industries Building in Des Moines on the Iowa State Fairgrounds. When I saw it I knew I had to have it right away. There was something about it-lots of reds and it just looked warm and inviting. Besides, it was only $40 and at the time and I needed a warm cover or bedspread for my apartment in Marshalltown.
As time passed and my grand-kids got a little older, that quilt got a lot of usage. When the grand-kids would stay the night with Grandpa at my home on Lily Lane, that quilt would get spread out on the floor in front of the sectional and we would get ready for movie time. Since not everyone would fit on the sectional, that soft and heavy quilt would be for those who wouldn't fit up above. There never seemed to be any fighting over who was delegated to the quilt and floor. And, most times Grandpa would cover those that fell asleep right there on the floor. That quilt has had a lot of loving on it through the years. It will always be the most treasured of them all.
A special tribute to my grandfather, Thomas A. Laverty(2/19/1866-3/17/1950) on this St. Patrick's Day. I know it is just a coincidence of his passing on this celebrated holiday, but, it is a special way to remember him at least once a year. A happy holiday to all of you Irish and those of you who wish to be on this St. Patrick's Day!
This past Sunday week-end I made my habit forming pilgrimage to Corralville to catch a $5 first run movie. My pick was "10 Cloverfield Lane." It was billed as a type of "Twilight Zone" in a play format. It stars John Goodman and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
It takes place mostly in an underground bunker due to a possible chemical attack by foreign country or aliens. Again, the movie moves along very well and creates a little tension, anxiety, and suspense, but not anything most adults can handle. It did do pretty well at the Box Office and would be a very good choice for a week-end at home movie. With very good performances by both stars, and who doesn't like John Goodman, it should be a movie to be enjoyed by both "she and he!"
This past Friday evening I attended a local Fish Fry and they had a raffle going and the big prize was a quilt. I didn't jump in, but, it reminded me of one of my most prized family possessions.
It is a quilt that was pieced or started in Germany around 1873 by my great-grandmother Wilhemina Schultz. It is a "Lover's Knot" design. Later, after arriving in America and date unknown it was completed by my great-grandmother and by her daughter or my grandmother, Minnie Schultz Smith and then given to my mother, Doris May Smith Laverty in 1933.
Soon I will write stories about the family quilts I possess and some history about them. One important note is that my mother would attach simple notes, as in this quilt, to briefly give a little history behind them.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Last night I sat down and watched the Academy Award's Best Picture of 2016 "Spotlight." I liked it so well that I am going to watch again this evening before I have to return it to the Library.
The comparison movie would be "All ThePresident's Men" from years ago that dealt with Nixon and Watergate. This movie deals with investigative reporting by the Boston Globe into the Catholic Church and sex abuse by priests. The stories won a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2003.
I have always been a big fan of the actor Michael Keaton since his role as Beetle Juice. The movie moves quickly and the supporting cast all are outstanding. Do yourself a favor and go out and get this movie. It is pure enjoyment and makes you proud that in his country we have a free press that can take on powers to be!
There is nothing like sitting behind a semi, in the fast lane, passing another semi at quarter mile an hour faster and both are going below the speed limit.------A little common sense please in 50014.
Ever notice the people who claim to be "busy" spend a lot of time sharing how "busy" they are?
Saturday, March 12, 2016
In today's Des Moines Register, in the "YOUR 2 CENTS WORTH" column was a brief that I too get tired of in the paper. The brief went like this: I am so sick of reading in the newspaper about all the wineries and breweries in Iowa. You would assume that everyone living here were boozers. One starts to feel like a real outsider if you don't care to partake!----How about finding a new favorite topic!
I guess I agree. It is cool that a lot of new business is created by new wineries and breweries, but, it seems that the Resgister over reports on the whole subject a little to often. I guess as a non drinker and in the Senior category, maybe I am just not hip enough to appreciate all that is written in the name of booze! There has to be more new businesses out there being created to write about. Start thinking more outside the box!
Listening to the "Oldies" at the Burg Grocery the other day reminded me of a story involving my grad-son, Grant, when he was only 7 or 8 years old. He was up one week-end and staying with me and we were in the car headed for who knows where.
I had the radio on and tuned to KIOA, the Des Moines Oldies station that has been around since the beginning of time. The group, The Guess Who, was on and singing one of their old hits. Out of the blue my grand-son said ; "Wow, I haven't heard them for a while!" I looked over at him in utter amazement! I said something like "what do you mean you haven't heard them for a while. At your age you shouldn't have heard of them period!
I always knew the kid was special and had a exceptional memory for all sorts of reasons. But, this one told me something plus it was just funny. He is now attending the University of Iowa and wants to get into Law! I think he would be an exceptional Disc-Jockey along with his love of music and gift of gab like his Grandpa!!!! Or maybe not!
Someone stopped in to the Burg Grocery and mentioned that their son had just turned 18 and went to his first "Strip Club." Call me old and strange, but, I never really got all stirred up by going to such places. I am not going to go into why but a young girl just spinning around a pole didn't push my buttons.
But, along those lines I hate to admit that I am old enough to remember when "strippers actually "stripped" or went out on a stage and slowly to music took it off including these long white gloves, and that took forever, and then just before she finally took off the dress, which she always kept in front of her, walked off stage and that was it! The rest was left to the imagination! Maybe that it's it. Nothing left to the imagination anymore!!
Last night I attended a Fish Fry at St. Mary's Catholic Church here in Williamsburg. The food was very good, but, I still miss the Fry At The Knights of Columbus in Marshalltown. I may just go up next Friday night as I believe it may be the last one before Easter.
Anyway, a year ago I saw the sign on the street for the one at St. Mary's and just assumed it was that particular Friday night. Being new to the town and not a member of the Church I just got it in my mind that the Fry was that certain night. After work I went home and got cleaned up, changed into some decent duds and off I went.
I was met with this huge empty parking lot. Looking at the sign closer the small print told me that the event was the following Friday. I was so disappointed and somewhat angry that couldn't made the sign a little larger with the date. I guess that is just part of getting older. It seems like everything I read keeps getting smaller and smaller. And, when I bring it up I really get disgusted when people just look at me and chuckle!
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Recently, I took one of those many many tests on Facebook. This one was "Howe many U.S. States can you identify on a blank Map?" Well I love geography and have had the privilege of traveling most of this country except for three or four states.
I was able to get all of them correct which was a good feeling especially when you get into some of the eastern states that are much smaller and odd shaped. But, it is good to take some of these tests as they come up just to keep the old brain ticking.
Now, if you show me a test on Eastern European Art of the 17th Century I may be in trouble. As they say, "If you don't use it-Lose it!"
This story happened back in the late 1970's when I was single/divorced and living the "bachelor life" to its fullest. The incident I want to tell you about involved a young lady that I was interested in, at least for the evening, and had driven to her apartment complex to pick her up and go out for the evening.
The apartment complex was on Douglas Avenue and very close to Interstate 80/35 in Urbandale. I got to the apartment complex a little early and found a parking spot, just sat and waited a bit. All of a sudden this big long black limousine pulled in and stopped close by. With the enterior lights on in the lemo, I could see two people arguing and yelling at one another. My potential date pulled her way out of the car and ran up the steps and into her complex building.
The Limo sped down to the end of the parking lot and did a U Turn at the end of the parking lot with tires screeching just like out of a movie scene. Then it shot right by me and out into the street! What did I just witness? I did , at the time, what I thought to be the best decision. I got out of there. It was the limo that baffled me. You didn't see Limo's running around Des Moines every day of the week. This was no rental for a Prom date! I never found out what that was all about. I didn't really want to know. She was later murdered and that story I will share at a future date! You'll just have to stay tuned.
I am at least hip enough to use the computer to gather news and other information on the internet. I am on Facebook, do a lot of my banking now on line and obviously use it to write on my Blog.
One difference between me and the younger crowd is saving or using methods of saving my precious little stories. Most "techies" are always telling me to back up my stories with likes of "the flash drive or lessor now the disc." For me I am not happy or really at ease until I take my writings, that are on my Blog, into Minute Man printing shop in Marshalltown Iowa and have them print them into my "quarterly book" of my writings over a three month period. Up until now I have eight or so books. I always have them print up two books of which one I put in a very safe and fireproof place. Having my writings which are precious to me gives me a feeling of safeness over other methods in the computer world.
Oh, one of these days I will probably go in and have Minute Man show me how to download all the writings on a flash drive or whatever they think is another safe way to have a back up to my memories! In the meantime it makes me feel good just to flip through actual pieces of paper!
This time of year there is always talk about that last big snow storm that could hit either yet this March or April. Around these parts you would think it was almost a sure thing.
I believe it was early in 1973 and Des Moines got its storm. It was a work day and the snow came first lightly early in the morning. My first home that I built was at 1932 90th Street in Clive, Iowa. We were the last street in this development just southwest of 86th & Hickman Road. There wasn't any development west of us just wide open spaces.
Living out in the country as a kid growing up something told me that this was not going to be just an ordinary snow. Something told me to stay home and not venture out until more time elapsed and we knew how bad it was going to be. For some reason the weather report on the morning TV broadcasts were not certain what was to develop as today.
For once, I made the right decision t stay home. The storm was a big one and it caused problems throughout the Metro that day. A lot of employees at Allied Mutual, where I was employed, got caught there and had to stay the night or made it across the street to Vet's Auditorium for refuge. My boss made it to a bowling alley, Plaza Lanes, up on Douglas Avenue on foot after his car got stuck along the way after work.
The funny thing was that several employees that always came early to work and had coffee and visited an hour or so before work started got stranded. They were the "early birds." Dennis was the guy that always just made it in time before work started at 8 AM. This was once where the "Early Bird Didn't Get The Worm."
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Just about the time you start believing in Global Warming and all is going down the drink you run into an article I read in the Des Moines Register this morning.
A developer is hoping to build the largest solar field in Iowa just northeast of Fort Dodge. The Messenger reports that the Holiday Creek solar project would produce about 100 megawatts when completed. That's enough to power about 30,000 average homes.
The company, EDF Renewable Energy, hopes is sign a 37 year lease for 1,000 to 1,200 acres of land east of the Fort Dodge Airport. The company said a lot is to be done including studies on the impact of the solar panels on the soil.
It seems we are reading more and more of projects under way or being studied about renewable energy. For me I am an optimist. We will get there and we will make our planet better
Who would ever thought that we would ever see running for President an older guy who is Jewish and is name is "Bernie." Not just that and I am not being trying to be politically incorrect, he is a Progressive, Socialist, Far Left Democrat, or whatever you choose to call him. His average donation has been $27. It does seem odd that a Jewish person is even viewed as the opposite of a Capitalist. And, I say it with no disrespect, but, most Jewish people I have known in my life have been quite wealthy and know how to make lots of money. I just see some humor here or maybe not!!!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
If you don't have plans and want to do something different in a couple of week-ends,3/19/, I got the answer. It's The Alternative Animal Auction held in Kalona at the Auction Barn. Buffalo, Camels Zebra's and an ostrich or two!! See you there! Great eatery there and great Amish shopping later for the ladies!!!
This past week has continued to emphasize the very importance of not only writing about personal stories and loved ones, but, the added pleasure of sharing those treasure's with others.
The best example has been with my sister Doris finding the poem written by my Aunt Mary in Tribute to my dad when he passed away in 1953.
By using at least this Blog form, I was able to pull that poem out of an obscure box tucked away and brought out for many interested friends and family to enjoy. And, pass along to others that maybe remembered these family members or of there place and importance in family history.
I repeat and will repeat many times the importance of keeping our heritage alive and the pleasure it will give you to assist in sharing these important memories with many interested individuals. Now if I can just learn to pass along photos to coincide with the narrative! Give me time!
Yes! The Debates have become simply for the ratings! Every network or Cable station wants those ratings and the likes of Fox(Fair & Balanced, MSNBC(left wing answer to Fox really like to skew their questions and really get and let the contenders get all fired up and out of hand.
And, why do we need so many debates. Now that we are down to a hand full why not have more one on one interviews and stick to just issues "as much as possible." The trouble with these politicians they get a "stump" question or issue thrown at them and they are just like pushing a button and out comes the same speech over and over. And, you can't shut them up.
Maybe someone needs to come with a written "objective" test with a slate of questions with only so much space to write them in. Publish it in newspaper or at a site online and just let us read his or her response. If it is written it is a little more difficult to squirm out of a position or answer. There has to be a better way than these debates. Especially with Donald Trump. If he gets too out of hand a big Hook comes out from stage right and yanks him off!
A tour local McDonald's this noon was a sign on the front door that stated "OUR CASHLESS IS RUNNING VERY SLOW. IT MAY NOT APPROVE SOME CARDS. SORRY FOR INCONVENIENCE." I went on in and asked as I didn't have any cash with me. The young man behind the counter said that was a couple of days ago and everything was working now.
When done eating I went back up and very politely said if the terminal is working then why not take the signs down as some people might just go to another restaurant. He indicated that only a manager could take the signs down. I think I still must be missing something?
With high school basketball tournaments going on and NCAA college basketball fast approaching, it always brings up fond memories of basketball during my high school days of the 1950's and early 60's.
Two or three years ago I attended a girl's tournament basketball game at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. Williamsburg was playing in it at the time. It was not the same. The arena wasn't even half full and there just wasn't the excitement somehow. Something was missing.
When I was attending dear old Laurel High, each home game was an exciting event. The place was always packed with spectators even though our "new" gym only held a few hundred people. The girls played first and the boys second and last.
It was a time when only the small schools were playing and the girls still played three offensive players in front court and three players in the other court on defense. No big schools and no five on five with girls playing full court like today. In the 1990's that all changed for good and bigger schools were in and no more three on three with girls basketball.
Those were exciting times and especially going down to Vet's Auditorium in Des Moines to watch girl's basketball. Even the boy's tournament didn't compare. It was magical! As everything must change, it was a time when small schools and small towns were still thriving somewhat and there was much pride.
Even as I am writing there was an article in yesterday's (3/7/2016) Des Moines Register about the loss of significant attendance in boy's high school tournaments and games leading up to State. I am not trying to take anything away from the larger schools of today and the way the game is played, but, I am thankful that I was part of yesterday!
With everything going on right now in the political world, a thought popped up today and out of nowhere like a lot of my thoughts do. One thing that I learned in economics in my younger years was the term "Guns and Butter."
At one time during my younger years it was a term used meaning when a nation chooses between domestic or peace time spending versus military spending. Maybe that is why right now it is really troublesome for me to wonder about our 18 or 19 trillion deficit. Our country is in big trouble if this deficit number continues to climb.
Just think if someone kept buying more and more goods and services on credit cards. Eventually that person would not be able to do anything but attempt to pay off the debt. And, yet we have one candidate that wants to have a lot of free "stuff" and others who really haven't presented a plan to tackle that problem or actually thinks taxes should be lowered further.
It took us a long time to get in this predicament and will take some time to get out of it. Fortunately, I will probably not be around to see how it will all play out, but, this current bunch of bungling contenders for the Presidency and our inept Congress, it could get real interesting! Maybe we will have to do less with both guns and butter.
Monday, March 7, 2016
This past Sunday I saw the new movie at the cinema in Corrallville-"London has Fallen." The movie won by default as there weren't any other movies on the big screen that I really wanted to see. Yes, I could have just stayed home, but, I do enjoy the big screen and especially when I can do it for just $5.00. I also have learned or adjusted to not buying anything from the concession stand.
Most Catastrophe movies I have tried to shy away from as they just do not interest me. However, the flow of this movie was very good and got moving pretty quickly. And, despite the fact that the good guy makes it through this movie without a scratch while being shot at by dozens of bad guys with thousands of rounds of ammunition and most in narrow streets or alley ways without being hit once! But, this is a movie right?
I am not going to get in to the plot as you can go online and check it all out. All I am saying is that this movie kept my interest all the way through. That is tough to do for me in lots of cases. Even if you are undecided when picking out a movie from Redbox keep it in mind. It was the 2nd biggest grossing movie this week-end, but not much competition.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
My sister, Doris, surprised me last week while visiting her. She has been going through old albums and boxes of keepsakes and came up with one item that I want to tell about in this story. And, believe me there will be more to tell in upcoming writings.
One item she had kept all through the years was a postcard that I sent her in 1969 while my first wife, Sandi, and I were visiting and staying with friends that lived in Bergen County New Jersey which is right across from Manhattan. The stamp on the card was 5 cents and the card was purchased in Atlantic City.
In that small space on the post card, I told about visiting Atlantic City, seeing the Broadway musical Hair and Promises Promises. We also were going to see the New York Yankees play that night and go out on our friends boat on the Hudson River the following day.
We were very fortunate to have friends who could take us to all these neat places while there. Eunice was a friend of Sandi's from High School days and she married someone a little older and successful in New York City and treated us like royalty while there. I have written years ago in some detail this trip along with the first time we visited them in 1967.
The main point is that I am happy that Doris had saved this post card and it provided some added memories of years gone by! I am not sure we are any further ahead today with Twittering and Facebooking and so forth unless we are finding ways of preserving those memories.
If I had $10 every time that when assisting a lady with her groceries at the Burg Grocery and she can't find her car keys in her purse, I could fly to Hawaii for a stay! Well, maybe not quite. Do you remember when there used to be an usher at the movie theater and he walked around with that little flash light. Those guys don't exist anymore. Sometimes walking into a movie theater when it is pitch dark, I have to stand there for a moment to let my eyes to adjust.
I digress. I have thought about carrying a little flash light with me at work to help these ladies find those keys. If anyone ever comes up with a full proof way to deal with that dark ABYSS in a woman's purse they will be given the Pulitzer Prize! I do miss that usher sometimes!
It will be nearing two years when I started my Blog. The readership has slowly increased and it has given me pleasure in knowing that even a few people have enjoyed reading, especially, about memories of people and places from times past.
Yesterday page views exceeded over 100 for a single day. One of the biggest contributors was the poem that I posted about my Aunt Mary and her Tribute when my dad passed away in 1953. Knowing that even if it just a few friends and family can enjoy these types of memories is worth the effort. And, it is also rewarding to know my memories can stir your own fond memories about loved ones and times that were special!
After my experience in Millersburg at the "Home Town Cafe," I was determined on Saturday,3/5/2016, to go somewhere to eat and have good "fish" that was close to a sure bet to be good. A year or two ago, I had lunch one day at the Ronneburg Restaurant in Amana. That day I had walleye and it was delicious.
So, I decided to stay close and go next door and eat at the Ox Yoke Inn. Through the years I have eaten there and have never been disappointed. Saturday night was no exception. I ordered the walleye dinner with all the trimmings including the sauerkraut. The serving was very generous and battered lightly to a golden brown.
Sometimes it is fun to go out and try the new and unknown, but, sometimes it is also good to stick with a "sure thing!" I know the popularity of the family style dinning at the Amana Colonies has declined somewhat through the years, but, the quality of their food still remains. I was very pleased and I was entertained by the cutest little 2 year old girl with her parents at the adjoining table!
Most of you ladies that can remember back as far as the original Tremont complex existed way back at least as far as my memory can take me. I do remember eating with my family at lunch time at the restaurant with all the good comfort food. The place was always busy and buzzing.
The pool hall was a place that I spent most of my time on lunch hours while watching regulars shoot pool. I will re-publish a story about watching a particular pool game one lunch hour. Those were great memories.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
If and when my mother would stop at the Ideal Bakery on the south side of West Main Street in Marshalltown, I knew something very very good was inside that white box. One of my favorites was the Creme Puffs. And, believe it or not my favorite were the vanilla filled ones as opposed to the chocolate. And those babies were filled. If biting into one you were not careful you would end up with a lap full of filling. Everything from there was good! What was your favorite?
This past week there was an article written by a Kylie Algeir about a best selling book by Marie Kondo entitled "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up." It was interesting reading and I would like to share just one part of this article about "tidying."
The part I would like to share is the method concerning organizing and getting rid of unnecessary clothing. I used to be in my earlier life really Obsessive Compulsive when it came to especially keeping my clothes orderly. I had all my shirts hanging by color, sweaters by wool and cotton, etc. I could blame all on my mother of course. Isn't almost everything her fault in our lives?My mother, it seemed, was always cleaning or throwing things away. She did keep most what I would call memorabilia. She did keep most stuff that was really important. Even old birthday cards, pictures, fiesta dishes, with the exception of my comic books. Today some of those would be worth a fortune!
Kondo points out that we should tidy by category and not by room. That is a big mistake. Tackle one type of item at a time. Start with clothes. This somehow "sharpens our intuitive sense of what items spark joy inside us." Somehow putting all your clothes in one big pile is intended to shock you. "Keep only items that seek joy." Then get rid of all the rest.
And, before you get rid of it , thank it for its service and move on. All clothes or most should be folded vertically so you can see them all when you open the drawer. You should always put everything back in the same place as each thing should have "a home!" The moral is that "when you put your house in order you put your affairs and past in order.
I still do a fairly good job of keeping things in order, but, I don't find myself talking to many of my things or thinking in terms of my socks and their home! I did know an old classmate that used to hang his clothes in his closet and each hanger an item was no closer than two finger widths. Send me $100 and I will tell you his name. Life is too short!!
This time of year I love attending Fish Fry's during Lent. The one I had planned on attending last night( Friday 3/4/2016) is actually not until next Friday. So I asked around about any small towns that might be having a fish fry.
Someone at work mentioned that I should give the Home Town Cafe in Millersburg, Iowa. It is about 10 miles west of Williamsburg and is actually smaller than my old home town of Laurel, Iowa. They have under 200 people as of last census. So off I went a little after 5pm just in case the place was packed. No worry there.
It s a very clean and set up just like most old time taverns with a line of tables right down the middle and booths on one side with the bar on the other. There were lots of TV's around as would be expected this day and age. I enjoyed visiting with a couple of regulars for a bit while they sat out the food for the buffet.
From there it was somewhat down hill. The salad bar was was below average in terms of variety. Just wasn't much there although most items were fresh. The fish selections which was what I was really after, was a big disappointment. There was cod but I know it came out of a box and the two pathetic pieces of cat fish was embarrassing. There was fried chicken but that was not what I was after! Oh, well! Can't win them all. That's what makes trying these local home town places fun. Tonite they have Prime Rib, but, I will wait and have the best Prime Rib some night at THAT PLACE in Conrad. I will keep moving on! Tonite I might try the Walleye or ?? at Ox Yoke Inn at Amana, Iowa.
With all the goings on during this political season no matter what side of the fence you are on there is one thing for certain. And, it is what the old saying is about change and I think the atmosphere right now in this country is people want change. Remember! "You can go with change, get out of its way or get run over by it!"
****This poem has been the most read post to date on my Blog.
The following poem was written by my aunt, Mary Elizabeth Spence Laverty(2/28/1923--1/15/1987) She was the wife of my uncle Paul Mac Laverty(2/15/1923--12/27/1923) and youngest brother of my dad, William John Laverty(2/9/1912-5/4/1953) After my dad passed away she wrote the following poem in a tribute to him.
This poem has been saved by my sister Doris Yvonne Laverty Eddy and I would, at this time, have the pleasure of sharing it with family and friends. My Aunt Mary was a lady of many gifted talents which poetry was just one. Thank you Aunt Mary!
The following poem was written by my aunt, Mary Elizabeth Spence Laverty(2/28/1923--1/15/1987) She was the wife of my uncle Paul Mac Laverty(2/15/1923--12/27/1923) and youngest brother of my dad, William John Laverty(2/9/1912-5/4/1953) After my dad passed away she wrote the following poem in a tribute to him.
This poem has been saved by my sister Doris Yvonne Laverty Eddy and I would, at this time, have the pleasure of sharing it with family and friends. My Aunt Mary was a lady of many gifted talents which poetry was just one. Thank you Aunt Mary!
There's a land that is,
More fairer than ours,
A place far over the sea.
God made it for us,
To come all alone,
I know he is waiting for me.
He molded our lives,
And made us what we are.
He planned each a space,
And designed it up there.
He's waiting I know,
We will meet face to face.
He was waiting for Dad,
And prepared just for him,
Along with the ivory and gold,
A land full of trees,
A lake, with some fish,
The place to never grow old.
Dad will like to hunt a bit,
The way he used to do,
God saw this in a man,
And molded it in his plan.
Made some brush, and many hills,
To tramp in all he can.
Now Dad is waiting there,
With God, close by his side.
When our work on earth is thro,
Dad and God will say to me,
We planned just your place,
We hope you will join us too.
Mary Laverty
Friday, March 4, 2016
Thursday, March 3, 2016
The other day a young mother who is a regular at the Burg Grocery very excitedly mentioned at the check-out line that she and her mate were attending a Bruce Springsteen concert in Milwaukee within the next day or so. I couldn't resist and mentioned that I had seen him and the E Street Band at Hilton Coliseum way back in 1978-79!
It gave me some time to reflect how much time and events in my life have happened. Where has all that time gone. Then, she had to really stick the dagger in my saying that Bruce was about the same age as her grandparents-62 or 63! That really hurt. I am sure Bruce, even at his "old" age, never thought he would still be playing R & R! I do hope they have a wonderful time-honestly!
This noon, Thursday March 3rd, 2016, my sister Doris and I went to Taylor's Maid-Rite. Of, course she had her usual one with lots of just onions and my usual 2 with everything and a Vanilla malt(not shake) with a double shot of "malt."
Somehow our conversation got around to the fact that Doris had a telephone conversation with our sister Deborah in the last day or so and it lasted nearly 2 hours! Of course, I said something like I couldn't imagine talking for 2 hours on the phone and everyone knows I like to talk.
I mentioned to Doris that if I were to go around the restaurant at ask each guy how long he would be comfortable talking on telephone, it would be interesting to know what the answer would be. The couple that was sitting next to us were from Grinnell. He overheard what I had said and immediately blurted out "ONE MINUTE!" I was at least thinking the average answer from most men might have been 5-10 minutes tops! Funny and end of story!
There was an article in the sports section of the Des Moines Register the other day about a major league baseball player that made a deal in a "free agency" deal. For those of you that don't understand free agency it is when a player's contract has expired with a certain team and the he is able to negotiate again with his current team or make a deal with another team.
Supposedly, this is one of the worst deals made in free agency in recent years. He only was able to get an $8 million one year contract! I don't know about you, but, I can remember a time if someone had made that much money it would or should have lasted for the rest of his life. Even today most Americans don't make that much in a lifetime. Poor baby!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Some people here in Williamsburg just returned from the Gulf Coast and he mentioned that he carried his huge set of golf clubs along and only played once. And, that, of course, reminded me of a similar situation.
About ten years ago on a vacation to Colorado I convinced myself to take along my Weber gas grill to barbecue along the way at some scenic spot with a beautiful view of the Rockies in all her glory. Keep in mind that the grill was small and designed mainly for tailgating at football games. It never made it out of the trunk. All meals were in restaurants. I guess you could say I ad good intentions!
Last Saturday evening I was listening to the beginning of an Iowa State basketball game on the radio in my car while driving to Victor for a Fish Fry. The announcer was giving the names of the starting line-up along with the year in school, his height and weight.
It got me to thinking about some of the things we take for granted in sports and announcing the weight of a basketball player is one. Is it that important to know his weight. I suppose if he the Center we want him to be big and bulky to push the other guy around?
I have really never paid attention if they announce the weight of women in ladies basketball or other women's sports for that matter. Most women I have known don't want anyone to know their weight or age. But, maybe when you are 18 years old, 5'7" tall and weigh 125 lbs. that's OK.
Also, in football we always want to know that our lineman weigh up around 300 lbs. Where is that all going to end. The other teams coach doesn't want to be outdone so tries to beef up his guys to 325. Crazy!
And, lastly I have always thought it was insane when in wrestling they keep making these kids gain or lose weight constantly to be able to stay in a certain weight class. Maybe I have too much time on my hands!
I know I wrote about this before but I couldn't resist again. A lady had a bumper sticker with "I USED TO BE COOL" in the parking lot yesterday. I always had to remind my kids and grand-kids when they saw pictures of someone or me from years ago and would point and laugh that their day would come.
I always liked to remind them that what clothes were being worn at the time or hair styles that the person was wearing, to them, was cool. And most of whatever the current clothes trend or hair style that was "where it was happening!" They are entitled to laugh I guess no matter. Yes! At one time we were cool even though I find myself chuckling at some of those old pictures!
Living in a small farm community one gets bombarded with weather information. It seems like there is always a big storm coming our way. No one mentions too many times that next Thursday may be "the most gorgeous day we have had in a decade."
Then, it seems like when I do watch a local weather report they give out way too much information. Doppler this, 10 day forecast that , 3 day weather update, lows, highs and those ever moving Jet Streams. A wise man once said to not say something using 500 words if it can be said in 50 words! Weather news is like watching a guy perform the old "Pea and Shell" game. All I wanted to know what tomorrow was going to be like. Later in the day I actually forgot what he say about tomorrow!
I got a chuckle from a lady while helping her with groceries yesterday at the Burg Grocery. She mentioned that she lives in the country and she had not washed her car all winter. She took it through a full service car wash in Iowa City over the week-end. Earlier in the day on Monday, she couldn't find her car in a certain parking lot as she did not recognize it being so clean!! That was funny!
Yesterday being the 29th of February in this Leap Year, the question came up at the Burg Grocery about when you would be eligible for Social Security. Without calling the Social Security Administration, I did something close with a google!
According to John Reitz, a law professor at the University of Iowa, he speculates that March 1 would be considered the legal Birthday in non-leap years. Since a person has aged one year after February 28th, March 1st would be the logical date. If you know of anyone born on that date and collects Social Security already that may be your true answer. Rack this up to just a little fun trivia!
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