Friday, January 1, 2016


   Someone the other day mentioned about receiving a pool table for Christmas. Of course, it reminded me of the best POOL TABLE story ever! The pool table I am referring to existed in the mid 1970's and made its home at 1806 Rio Valley Drive in Clive, Iowa.

     When my good friend, Bob Merritt, and I decided to buy a house together after our divorces, we found a home under construction in a new area that backed up to Walnut Creek. It was a three bedroom four level split and for its day at 2,000 sq.ft. was a pretty nice home.

      One thing Bob wanted in the basement area for recreation was a pool table. We had another mutual friend who worked for a company who sold pool tables and could get a commercial full size slate and leather pockets for a sizable discount.

       When the pool table was delivered the floors in the house were as of yet not carpeted. Since the table would not make the turn or bend going downstairs, it was decided to cut a space between the floor joists and lower it down to the basement with rope pulleys. 

     I don't remember exactly how many guys we had up stairs to lower it down or how were down to retrieve it, all I know I was downstairs looking up and kept thinking if those ropes ever broke! The table was put in its place and sub-flooring glued back and carpet laid. I don't think in five years we lived there we never played a game of pool more than a dozen times!

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