Wednesday, January 6, 2016


      This past week after the New Year the new work schedule was posted for the upcoming week. My days of work only included a Monday and and a Friday. After asking one of the Managers why I was not included for the Wednesday as has been for a long period of time, I was given the reason.

        Some of the part time employees hours were cut back to help out a college student who wanted some hours during his semester break. I do like working just the three days a week as it not only gives me something to do that I enjoy plus I get a lot of my Blog stories from the ideas at the Burg Grocery.

         That same afternoon one of the managers came up to me ans ask if I could work on Wednesday as another employee had fallen on the ice at his home and broke one of his legs. I originally was disappointed that I was not scheduled for a Wednesday, but, I didn't want the hours under such a sad mishap! 

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