Thursday, January 14, 2016


     Years ago when you took pictures with real cameras and real film, seem now to have a special quality that today's photos taken digitally with smart phones don't possess. I know it is just change!

     But, when my daughter La Risa,  especially back in the 1960's and our first born I took pictures of her like there was no tomorrow. Sometimes I would take a roll of film of 24 frames and shoot pictures of her just playing in the yard or posing by sitting on the family auto.

      It dawned on me somewhere around then that those were probably the most valuable thing we possessed. Most other documents, deeds, will, and at least other paper documents could be replaced even at a price. Photos could not be replaced. Ever!

       That's when I went to the bank and rented a small safe deposit box and put most all of the negatives of the pictures that I had taken. I did that for quite a few years. Even though we download stuff off our computer today and put the "memory sticks" and etc in a safe place, a safe deposit box even for this newer tech files!  

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