Saturday, January 16, 2016


     Recently, a teacher/coach passed away. Is name was Dave May from Cedar Rapids and was a really a nice man. He taught in Laurel in the early 1960's. 

      In visiting with an old classmate, we discussed the subject of some of our teachers like we all do from time to time. It seemed like at our school of Laurel, which was a very small school district, there were two categories of teachers. Very young and very old. 

       Most of the young teachers like Dave May it was probably his first teaching job and was happy to start out on the "lower rung" until an opportunity came to work his way up to a bigger school district which he did later. I won't give his age , but he was only in his early 20's while at Laurel. He seemed much older to this 16 or 17 year old at the time.

       Then, there were the teachers that were the "lifer's." They had taught at Laurel for quite some time and were well established in the community. But, looking back they too seemed much older than I am sure they were. We thought they were ancient! I know now they weren't and do not want to show any dis-respect.

       I guess my only point is that through the eyes of a teenager or youngster, most all adults always seemed old or older than they actually were. Here I am now in my early 70's and I feel that compared to some of those "lifer's" I am still that kid from Laurel!  

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