Saturday, January 9, 2016


       After watching a couple of young mothers and their four youngsters, it reminded me  of days  years ago when my kids were very young and growing rapidly. The subject of this story is the fact that I was very rarely involved in this ritual. 

       I have always said that probably thee toughest job that usually it is the wife, woman, or mother to attend to on a daily basis is meal planning. Day after day after day. Never stops. I enjoy planning meals now only because I truly enjoy planning and preparing them and I usually plan what I enjoy because it is just me to worry about.

       The other job I always thought was very difficult for a mother to deal with was the constant job of looking over the inventory of the kids clothes and determining which was just the right size and which was too small and time to get rid of that item. And, we know how fast that can seem to come around. Most times when assisting in dressing the children, it was always easier to just take that "too small" item and toss it to the bottom of the drawer. 

       Maybe I worried about something that most women took in stride and just planned  a couple times a year and moved on. I know that some mothers have a problem in dealing with clothes turn-over. I used to have a cleaning customer in Marshalltown years ago and I swear she had dresses and etc for two of her daughters that spanned  years. Those clothes were packed so tight in the one closet that you could get hurt just trying to separate an item.Maybe the method to her madness was just to wait and clean out the closet just once when they graduated from school!


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