Saturday, January 9, 2016


       I would say that I am pragmatic in most things. The answer lies in the middle some where and all that! I have always been skeptical about most extreme opinions. The truth usually lies in the middle!

       When it comes to global warming I would say that we are much better off in "climate" stuff than we were when I a kid back in the 1950's and even later. At this point I am not going to spew out a lot of examples. Water may be another issue.

            There was an article in today's Des Moines Register which was headlined-- U.S. COAL PRODUCTION DIPS TO LOWEST LEVEL IN NEARLY 30 YEARS. 
       U. S. coal production has fallen to its lowest level in nearly 30 year as s cheaper sources of power and stricter environmental regulations reduce demand, according to preliminary government figures.
      A report released Friday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates 900 short tons of coal were produced last year, a drop from about 1 billion short tons in 2014. That's the lowest volume since 1986. 
      The slump has to led to bankruptcies and layoffs at mining companies, but the effects have rippled outward, stressing state budgets and forcing layoffs in sectors such as railroads, which are transporting less coal.Power plants are increasingly relying on cheaper and clean-burning natural gas to provide electricity and comply with regulations aimed at reducing pollution that contributes to climate change. 
       The average daily spot price for natural gas at the bench-mark Henry Hub fell to $2.61 per million British thermal units last year, a 40 per cent decrease from 2014, according to the government report.
       A sweeping agreement adopted last month by nearly 200 countries determined to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions is likely to make coal even less viable choice to the decades ahead. 

       My own opinion is that we are getting there in terms of doing a better job in improving the  environment. We are doing a better job as time goes on and economics does have a big impact on the whole equation. We are getting there.No need to panic and we need to pay more attention to articles like the above!





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