Sunday, January 3, 2016


      I don't know if anyone of you has visited the antique mega store that  has resettled on Grand Avenue in West Des Moines called Picker's Knows!Over the week-end with my good friend and old classmate, Jerry Roberts,  we took a fairly quick stroll through it. 

      I think this outlet will do much better than let's say the Brass Armadillo off I-80 north of Des Moines. just due to its location and it has a facility there for weekly auctions. But, knowing what people pay for their booths or "spots" does this old realtor realize who is really making the big money. These places are simply huge landlords making their sizable monthly rents.

       Being an old antique collector, buying and selling, going through these mega antique malls is fun for a while ,but, then I get to a point where I seem to Over Dose. Seeing and being around a lot of these collectibles in my long lifetime, I get to a point after walking by booth after booth of all these old items, I start to say enough is enough! I almost was ready to go to Homemaker's at look at new STUFF and eventually would OD on that. I guess I am just not a good shopper! Duh! 

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