Thursday, January 28, 2016


      Another observation during my birthday week has to deal with my favorite "Birthday Cake." All my life my cake of choice was chocolate with white frosting. Generally, my mother was the one that made it to perfection as only mothers can do! There was only one year when she made it with chocolate frosting instead of the white. Who knows what happened there!

       For some reason and starting about ten years ago I started to like white cake with white frosting. I think I know what happened. I used to order cakes for my grandchildren from Hy Vee in Marshalltown, Iowa and at the time I really liked the flavor of their cake and frosting. A I think my logic was that white cake for some reason was not as messy! I am going to Corralville this week-end and I hope the Hy Vee's cakes there are as good!

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