Sunday, January 24, 2016


       One reason I am always stressing for people to write short stories in some manner about personal and families matters is simple. We all have interesting stories that those that come after us can enjoy. We are more than just date born, died or otherwords, we are more deserving than an obituary in the local newspaper. 

      Even if you are uncomfortable in writing stories at least sit down and make up a simple "Favorite This and That" list so those someday will at least know a little more about you than some of the obvious. The following are a few examples.


Favorite family function.............
....enjoyment alone
....other leisure
......state to travel to travel
......sporting event team
......type of music
......TV show all time
......subject in school
.....friend or friends
.....subject in school

             This list is somewhat endless and can be added to from time to time. You don't need to worry about writing if you are uncomfortable with that form. By doing a list form, so much can let others know a lot about you Give it a try on one of these cold winter days or even if you are sitting on the beach. Let others know that you love as much as possible about you. Some might be very obvious and some might leave a few surprises about you! Have fun with it!

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