Thursday, January 14, 2016


     I know this an odd time of the year to be discussing window cleaning, but, as tomorrow is supposed to get into the 40's, I will be doing some store windows out at Tanger's Outlet Mall.

       Years ago when I had first started a window cleaning operation in West Des Moines, I overheard a couple of guys sitting close by at this restaurant at lunch time and as i turned out they worked for the largest window cleaning company at the time called Larry's. Yes, Larry's!
One guy and his two sons and a hand full of employees. They cleaned most of the big buildings down town Des Moines including the biggest building at 801 Grand.

       I visited them for a while and simply asked what they used in their water for a cleaning solution. I assumed they would have told me either to get lost or that it was a secret recipe that was kept in a safe deposit box in a bank in Switzerland! ! Their secret! It was Dawn! 

       It made me feel good to know that the largest window cleaning company are around was using simply Dawn and just a few drops. Of course, it also means that you are using a squeegee with an applicator. And, I have heard through the years those that use newspapers or combinations of vinegar and whatever. Newspapers only get ink all over your hands and it just smears.  If you have to use paper towels make sure they don't get too wet before pitching. And, for mirrors and small  inside window jobs the best commercial cleaner you can buy at most stores is Sparkle! It is the best. Tips brought to you by Yes! We Do Windows!

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