Thursday, January 7, 2016


       As a follow-up to my story about my daughter and clothespin, it reminded me of a funny and somewhat strange sight that I witnessed years ago while I was looking out a window of a cleaning customer in Marshalltown, Iowa.
       Next door and in the back yard was a guy hanging out some clothes on a clothes line. The funny part of this to me was he was a motorcycle enthusiast. Harley to be exact. But, here stood a guy complete with pony-tail, lots of tattoos, t-shirt and complete with a black leather vest. 

       Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with him doing his wash complete with his clothes in a nice wicker basket at his side, it was the stereo-type image that I had in my mind. Biker's are usually thought of being ones, shall we say, that do not bath on a regular basis. I wish I would have had a camera! And, you don't have to tell me that I see things in a different way than most!


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