Saturday, January 30, 2016


     I was reminded of a story the other day when someone came into the Burg Grocery with a sweatshirt that said just "COLORADO." A good friend that passed away sometime ago, Don Brittin, was an avid skier and encouraged me to ski. 
       One time when we were in Colorado skiing he talked about what kind of "stuff" to buy while out there in terms of wearing apparel. His contention was, with some "snob" appeal, to never go to say Colorado and just get a sweat shirt or hat that simply said "Ski Colorado." No!
Nor would you just purchase a clothing item that just said "Ski Vail or Breckenridge!" Oh, No! 

        What you really would want to do is while skiing a particular area or mountain at Vail or wherever is to look for a more specialized garment. A hat perhaps that said "Ski Snow Mass" or " "Ski The Black Hole!" That way when you got back home and someone asked where those areas were, you very nonchalantly could say, "In Breckinridge,of course!" Never could travel anywhere without thinking about that. Not even to Kansas City!


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