Sunday, January 3, 2016


      This week-end I traveled to Des Moines on News Year Day and stayed with friends, Judy and Jerry Roberts, of Urbandale. The main reason for coming for that day was to watch the Hawkeyes in the Rose Bowl. Well, we all know how that turned out. Not well!

        One reason I have never attended a post-season Bowl game is I was always afraid of losing the game and then having this big letdown and the trip home being one big bummer! Well, at least I am definitely older and a little wiser. My mother always said;" Somebody always  has to win and somebody has to lose." How true! 

      The following evening we did have one thing that took the sting away from the Rose Bowl loss.  We drove over to Mama Lacona's restaurant just west of I-35/80 off Douglas Avenue. We had a lovely dinner and our server was one of the best in the city! My daughter, La Risa Laverty Riley. If you are ever down to the Capital City and want a real treat, especially in Italian food, give Mama Lacona's a try! And, ask for La Risa and tell her Dennis sent you!

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