Tuesday, January 12, 2016


       One day at the old Burg Grocery, I teased a couple of the young ten-age guys about loafing in the back room by "pitching pennies." They, of course, looked at me with this blank stare. Yes, I was pulling their chain, but, I was some what surprised that they had not heard of, at least, the concept. Maybe I should have mentioned "shooting craps." Probably not either. 

       The concept is quite simple. Two people or more face a wall a short distance away and one person tosses a penny or quarter if the stakes are high, and the the next person gives his coin a gentle toss. The coin must at least touch the wall and the closest coin wins and so on until one person takes all the others money or recess is over and then it often continued later.

       When I was a kid, especially in junior high, it was quite popular in the old coat room during recess or lunch time. I guess some games don't make it through the generations! Sad. 

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