Tuesday, January 12, 2016


      Today, (Tuesday, 1/12/2015) would have been a good day to just stay inside as the temperature outside hovered somewhere around zero. But, no I had convinced a fellow by the name of Tom Heitshusen to go with me to the livestock auction in nearby Oxford just east of the Amana Colonies. I have gotten to know Tom from his coming into the Burg Grocery and have hit it off. Tom is a local who has lived here all his life and knows the "territory"well!

        Of course the main attraction was the eatery that is a part of the auction and sat in a U shaped counter with built in stools and is only open on Tuesdays the day of the auctions. Everything about the place screamed old but it was extremely clean. I had heard how good their hot beef sandwiches were and so it was no decision. Also, posted were the pies and I opted for a slice of raisin creme pie. I was not disappointed on either count!
      Something I had never seen in a lifetime of eating at restaurants was that at our end were two  huge piles of $1.00 bills spread out before us. Our waitress said she has done that for years as she gets too busy to pick up her tips! Really that busy? I told her she wouldn't get away with that in New York City. She shot back that is why she likes living right there in Oxford! Touche! 

       We went into the auction arena for maybe an hour and watched just feeder cattle and most all Angus being auctioned off. It was fairly small with stadium seating and it was packed with cattlemen of all sorts. I pretty much understood the whole premise of the action, but, decided upon leaving that there probably was less risk in the stock market!  In my case maybe just a plain old passbook savings account! I enjoyed every minute! On to the next one!


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