Monday, January 18, 2016


       There is an old expression that says, "Watch what the poor people do then don't do it!" Mine was always, "Watch what old people do then don't do it!" An example would be not to ever buy a Lazy Boy chair. When I was really young I always thought once you got one of those chairs you were really getting old! 

         But, one that I really have not done since I am now considered old is the following. Years ago I observed this guy in line ahead of me getting ready to pay for some item. Let's say the purchase was $5.32. He got out the $5 O.K. but, then out came that little plastic coin purse with the slit for coins. Remember those?

      The time it took him to count out that 32 cents a few years of my childhood flashed before me.  He couldn't see real well so, of course, he pulled out a nickel instead of a quarter.Out of frustration he dumps all the change in the coin purse out on the counter and slowly pushes out the remainder of the coins toward the clerk. 

      As a result of that episode, to this day when possible I always pay with just dollars the receive any change back and put it in an old Fraternity mug at home. Later I take the change in and take the proceeds and go out to eat!

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