Monday, January 25, 2016


      And, I am talking about the original. It was from 1953 starring Gene Barry and the movie was adapted from a radio broadcast by H. G. Wells about Invasion of Earth by Martians. I have this movie in my private stock of all kinds of old movies and thought last night was the time to watch it for some reason. Besides, I didn't have any interest in the Carolina-Arizona football play-off game.

     Yes it was in color and Gene Barry was the scientist hunk who also during the invasion meets an attractive woman and hit it off. Of course,  in those days she always screamed and became hysterical when things got bad. The Martians almost destroy the whole world until our "common germs" do them in. Like a lot of my old movies and some newer, I didn't make it all the way through until I started to doze!

      Years ago. my mother always used to tell the story about my grand-mother listening to the H.G. Wells broadcast and she was sitting on this stool of some kind. One of he legs broke, it scared her she thought the Martians had invaded! It was a good story.

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