Sunday, January 3, 2016


     There are a lot of things that I did especially when I was single back in the mid to late 1970's, that I never will be able to write about. They will just have to go to six feet under with me. But, here is one that was bad and not entirely my doing.

       Bob Merritt, my good friend, had invited me to come out and join him in Salt Lake City as he had been out there earlier in the week on business as he had a regional office through his window company, Windsor Windows. I had never been to Salt Lake City and thought it might be a good experience to see the area. 

       I know what you are thinking. Salt Flats and the Mormon Tabernacle  Choir and all that. No! We were young, both single, and a little on the wild side. We had other things to do and see.
First, as I recall, we had dinner the first night I had arrived and Bob had arranged dates to accompany us who were very nice.

         We were both heavy drinkers in those days and that evening was no exception. After we dropped our dates off the night really got started. We at first just drove around and took in the sites. Later that evening I do remember pounding on a Union Pacific passenger train car that was sitting in the UP hub. There was a man inside vacuuming and I was wanting him to let us in for a "tour" I guess!

       The grand finale came later when Bob, for some unknown reason, decided to drive up the State Capital outside steps in his Company owned Jeep with the name of his company on the side.  Why you ask? Alcohol had to play a big part. Obviously! Where was the security on the Capital grounds I will never know. If we would have been caught, something tells me we would still be out there working on the chain gang!  

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