Wednesday, January 13, 2016


      Something recently was put on the internet about the killer merry-go-round and teeter tooters that were in most schools including those at my old school at Laurel.  Another one that used to freek me out was the set of "big" swings in front of the grade school building. 

     The one thing you tried to accomplish was see how high you could swing by initially getting a push fro someone then you just kept pumping until you reached that point where you could actually go too high.  There was always this fear that you could go too high and fall out of the seat or just get out of control that high and who knows what could happen. 

       Even the "big" slide that was also out there could pose a problem or two by simply flying down too fast and land on your rear with some pain. Let's face it. That equipment made for kids enjoyment could give you an occasional  nightmare!

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