Saturday, January 9, 2016


       The other day someone brought up watching a guy on TV who could quickly remember everyone's names in this audience in a timely matter. It was all about word association.

       It brought to mind when I was a younger man and single in the late 1970's and was attending a party at a friend's house.. There was a fairly attractive young lady that I wanted to meet, but, at the time she was talking to someone else. I went over to the host and asked him if he knew her name so I could somehow take it from there and at the same time if she was "going" with someone at the party I wouldn't embarrass myself. 

        The host thought about it for a second or two and responded by blurting out "Oily Sewing Machine!" He immediately said her last name was Pennsinger. Get it! Pennzoil was the name of a motor oil and Singer was the name of a sewing machine. It was Pennsinger! My friend, who was a lawyer, had taken a memory improvement course that included word association techniques. I never have forgotten that, although I don't remember her first name. Yes, we did date a couple of times, but that was about it. 

         Word association does work, but, I guess I never had the concentration to make it work. I think it would be easier to turn around and write it on your hand. I have always had trouble with names and maybe one of those courses would come in handy now that I am single again, "yes I am",  and the fact that I am getting "a little" older!  

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