Wednesday, January 27, 2016


In a weekly column in the Des Moines Register yesterday on food  focused on eateries during the Iowa Caucus scene. Here are four that were at least mentioned in the article by columnist Susan Stapleton. The ones that were of interest to me may or may not have made the big scene with politicians, but, at least were mentioned.

      The first one, of course, was Taylor's Maid Rite which opened in 1928 in Marshalltown. 2nd, and one that also deserves mentioning is the Hamburg Inn #2 in Iowa City. It is a really good restaurant with super comfort food and very popular with visiting "Anybodies." 3rd that got mentioned was Smitty's tenderloin which  is on  Army Post Road on the south side of Des Moines. 4th was mentioned the Canteen in Ottumwa which claims to have opned a year before Taylor's in Marshalltown. It is also a loose meat place and small and very unique with entrance in he Alley.I wouldn't say it is better than Taylor's,but, I am a little biased.

       Of course, there were other places mentioned along with the usual la-de-da places in Des Moines, but it is still nice to know that just plain old good eateries are still hanging in there. Too bad Tasty Taco's wasn't mentioned along with Goldie's in Prairie City! Maybe I am asking for too much!

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