Saturday, January 9, 2016


      The end of January has to be the worst time of the year to have a birthday unless your living in Arizona or you are able to slip away to Acapulco! Especially true when snows seemed to be heavier back in the 1950's and more often making it more difficult to get around, and living in the country and in the most remote part of the county where your road is one of the last to get plowed.

      One year back then my mother planned a surprise birthday party for me and invited a few of the guys in my class to attend. During the day at school I occasionally would catch some of them whispering to each other and I thought I had done something to be outcast for some reason. 

      I took the bus home as usual and when I got home they all jumped out from behind the bed in the master bedroom and yelled "Surprise!" My mother had picked the classmates up at school and beat the bus home. It was a great birthday surprise and one I will never forget and even going outside for awhile and playing in the snowdrifts was special! 

       I'm not sure why the party was on a school day or when or how they got home, but, the surprise party was very special!  Thanks mom!


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