Tuesday, January 26, 2016


      One of my favorite singers or groups was Boz Scaggs back in the 1970's. Some of his big hits were Lido Shuffle and Lowdown. It was just an ordinary looking white guy with no gimmicks and played a piano.The group of guys I hung out with at the time also were into him and even got to see him once at Vet's Auditorium in Des Moines. With a name like Boz Scaggs, you would think of him being some honky tonky country western singer.

       Several times at the Burg Grocery when one of his songs are playing, I will ask a customer if they can name the singer and I will pay them $1 or sometimes even $5. Nobody ever has a clue! I do need to be careful because it would serve me right if some day I get too confident and up the ante. That's just when someone will nail it! 


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