Thursday, January 14, 2016


      Most people I know today during the winter months go south.When I was first divorced back in the mid 1970's, the guys that became friends at that time were into down hill snow skiing.

       They convinced me to give it a try and to my good fortune we were headed to Vail, Colorado for the first try in the big leagues.  Keep in mind, I had only skied once in a small ski area in Minnesota. It was like going from minor league baseball to the majors!

       It was Bob Merritt, Don Brittin, and myself. Bob lined up the condo and we flew out and drove up from Denver to Vail. The first day it was suggested that I should taken a lesson for at least a half day. It turned out to be a whole day. I was not a natural! 

       The following day I must have fallen dozens of times. Brittin, who was an expert skier, convinced me to take a short "black" run so we could get over to this certain area for lunch. Do not let anyone convince you to do a "black" run (most difficult) when you are a hayseed beginner from Iowa.  

        By mid afternoon I didn't care if the ski patrol had to come up and carry me down, or if I froze to death or even if a bear found me and had me for supper. By the time I got down totally exhausted, I told myself that I was going to take the rental car back to Denver and fly home the following day. 

       I was convinced to stick it out and by some miracle I caught on the next day. I wasn't ready for the Olympics, but,  I was respectful. I learned to love skiing and the mountains and all its beauty. But, that first day was a challenge!  

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