Tuesday, January 5, 2016


      This past Saturday evening (1/2/16) I had dinner with Jerry And Judy Roberts at Mama Lacona's in Urbandale, Iowa. I had stayed the night before at their home and had decided before we left to go to the restaurant to take separate cars. As it would be closer for me from the restaurant to get on the interstate and head back to Williamsburg.

      After dinner we headed to our vehicles, said our good-byes and went our separate ways. I had almost turned off Douglas to get unto I 35-80 when my phone rang. It was Judy and she said they were still in the parking lot and Jerry's vehicle wouldn't start. I was happy to turn around and possibly take them back to their home if necessary.

      Now keep in mind Jerry's vehicle is a brand new Chevrolet fancy Pick-up. I am not a big pick-up fan, but, this rig is cool. Somehow, and without getting into detail, he was able to get it started , but, couldn't get it into gear! Dennis, being the  whiz when it comes to mechanical stuff simply suggested  "wiggling' the steering wheel a bit and/or the gear shift! That's all It took.

       I guess what makes the situation so amusing is if anyone was to vote for "the LEAST mechanical guy in the class of 1962" I would have won hands down! Keeping it simple stupid sometimes works best or the "stupid doing the simple" in this case!

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