Tuesday, January 12, 2016


      Sometimes when watching football games on TV I am reminded of an incident back in the late 1970's when I dislocated my shoulder during a fall. When I watch some of these big athletes laying there on the gridiron rolling in pain with what the announcer is speculating that he has dislocated a joint.

       I was doing last minute chores before getting ready to attend a football game in Iowa City and my finance at the time, May, had just arrived at my home in Clive. One last chore and we were off. I was taking some trash out to the container sitting next to garage. I opened the utility door on the north side of the garage and as soon as I stepped on the small wooden steps I went flying. Between maybe the morning dew, wood steps, and leather shoes that was all it took.

       It was my right shoulder and it was excruciating. Even the ride to the Northwest Hospital, a short distance away, was painful. It seemed like every little bump in the street was mammoth. 

        I always had a pretty high tolerance to pain, but, not this time! When the doctor said he was going to simply yank my arm back into place with "some discomfort" I agreed.  Then I disagreed just as fast. I begged him to give me some type of pain relief before he tried again.

       Even years later when reaching back for something in a car and extending my arm too far, I could still feel as the doctor's like to say "discomfort." Sometimes still to this day while watching a football game and seeing this big, rough, tough, 300 lb. lineman lying there writhing around, I do "feel his pain!"

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