Sunday, November 8, 2015


      I know as I have gotten older I don't walk as fast as I used to. Even when I was in my mid to late 40's while power walking the sidewalks of WDM younger people would pass me by with ease it seemed!

       No, that doesn't upset me. What really upsets me is when entering a store and someone gets so close behind me I feel like they are going to run right into me and knock me over. I call it "Human Tailgating!" Sometimes, I will step aside as fast as I can and give the person a dirty look and/or a big sigh! On ocassion, I will stop suddenly and dare them to run right into me. 

       Usually then I get this stare. I know what they are thinking! Old guy! Ya! But, it does get frustrating sometimes to think that you are moving along at a pretty good clip and just like on the Interstate there is someone right behind you trying to move you over!


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