Saturday, November 14, 2015


      Years ago while living in Marshalltown and engaged in my cleaning service, I would stop at various convenience stores around town for a coffee break or something to eat at lunch time. When most of these places started selling lottery tickets,  at first it  got to me because if you were there to simply purchase a food item or gasoline and there was also a long line, the added traffic purchasing this losing habit irritated me. 

       Now that I am not usually in a hurry it no longer bothers me as much. One time I have to admit, after waiting for some person to pick out various types of lottery games and not being able to make up their mind and standing in a long to boot, I let out a "If you want to gamble why not go to a Casino!" It didn't change anything, but, I did feel a little better! Also, remember what PT Barnum once said: "There is a sucker born every minute!" At least I think he said that.   

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