Tuesday, November 10, 2015


       A lady came down isle 2 at the Burg Grocery the other day and asked if we carried oyster soup. A s long as I had worked there I have never seen oyster soup in a can! I mentioned that we carried just whole oysters in a can and we also, because of the upcoming season, carry fresh oysters.

       Her problem or delima seemed to be that she had never had made it from scratch and had always bought it from a "soup can" basis. I mentioned that I made it a lot during the Holiday Season and if I could make it anybody could. It basically was making sure  to cook the oysters until they curl a little and making sure that the milk did not curdle. 

         I don't think she was buying any of it and she did not use the computer so she could   google up a recipe. She walked out without any oysters. I only hope that she either finds canned oyster soup or maybe, well, who knows!


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