Sunday, November 22, 2015


      There is an old expression that goes something like "The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree." In my case It applies to cleaning, not as bad as it used to be, like my mother once did.

       Last week-end, I decided it was time to dig into my semi annual or quarterly cleaning of my closet. I am not the clothes horse I once was so the job only takes less than a half hour any more. There was a time when all suits were lined up by pinstripe, solid, color, etc, the shirts by color,long sleeve, short sleeve, work dress or leisure. Even sweaters were divided by wool or cotton. Yes, I was pathetic. *Not as bad as an old school-mate who it was discovered was much neater and could only have each hanger no more than two finger widths apart.

        Now, it is just a matter of keeping mostly leisure clothes separated by colored tee shirts, short sleeve shirts and long sleeve. The group of slacks or pants consists mostly of denim and a few are a size down just in case I shed a few important pounds. I always keep trying! I have one suit now that fits along with a pair of leather sole dress shoes just in case of that funeral, wedding or super important event. The last time I needed a Tux, I actually found one that was just perfect when I advertised for it in the local Penny Saver. That was a big Gala New Years Eve in 1999!

        A few years back I went to a funeral and wore a suit and was about the only guy with one on! Any more I like to go out and buy a new shirt or two, especially, just to let the grand-kids know that I am at least trying to "be with it." And, once in awhile I like to take a shirt or two to our dry cleaning place. At least I feel like I look better as an older guy and they sure look better hanging in my closet!

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