Thursday, November 19, 2015


       While cleaning out my bedroom closet this year for the third time, I got to thinking about where my obsession for cleaning came from. I didn't have to think long! My mother!

        She was always cleaning something. If it wasn't the weekly run of the mill cleaning, it was the semi-annual cleaning of the basement, attic, or the grove. It was a wonder she didn't go out and clean down the center of the corn crib on ocassion. I don't remember cleaning out our detached garage, but, I am sure I must have blanked that out for some reason.

        In later years, while talking to her on the telephone, she would bring it up that she just got done cleaning out another drawer and found some particular pictures, a poem, or some other special treasure of hers. After hearing this  several times, I would say something like, "Mom you don't have that many drawers in the whole house." 

       I learned from that years ago and have most of my treasure's boxed away. I do have one sister that has many many treasure's still in those drawers and scattered around her house. Hopefully, one day she will re-find those treasure's after some cleaning!

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