Thursday, November 5, 2015


      Everyone has probably watched one of these Hoarder shows on cable TV? Sometimes it is difficult to imagine how anyone can accumulate as much stuff as some of these people do! About the time I think we have too much clutter around I just need to watch one of those shows. 

       Everyone has had someone that maybe lived through the Great Depression and that always seemed to be the excuse. That generation saved everything because they were either poor, weren't close to a source to buy or that was just the way things were done then!

        A recent encounter with hoarding was when a customer came into Burg Grocery a couple of years ago and I helped her out with her groceries to her van. She opened the side door and after my mouth closed after seeing all the stuff piled almost to the top of the inside, she pointed toward what little space that was left toward the ceiling to put the groceries UP there!

        Then, there was my mother who seemed to be just the opposite. I would have called her a minimalist. She always seemed to be cleaning out the basement or attic and throwing things away. But, she never did throw things that were important to her. Family memorabilia lets call it. Quilts, Fiesta dishes, pictures and old letters and so on! I am sure and know that lots of things did get tossed down to the old "ditch" but, at least there was plenty of space to walk around that big farm house of ours! 

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