Saturday, November 21, 2015


       Several years ago while living in Marshalltown, I had made one of my many coffee break stops at a local convenience stores. I was in line with just this nice elderly lady ahead of me. We waited patiently for a short time. It seemed all the clerks were busy doing other things and didn't notice us standing there waiting.

       I always remembered an episode from the show Seinfeld where the character, Kramer, was trying to get the attention of Joe DiMaggio at a restaurant. He banged on the table and let out a "Yelp." In that case it didn't work.

       After a period of time, I said to the lady ahead of me to watch. I went up to the counter and banged, not too loudly, on the counter. It got someone's attention. When I got back in line, the lady ahead of me said-"I wish I could have done that!"  I know I need to show more patience at times, but, sometimes a guy has to do what ----!!!!

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