Tuesday, November 17, 2015


      This driving situation started when I moved to Marshalltown years back from Des Moines. The pace in Des Moines for one thing was always faster and one got used to that. To beat out the next guy was just the way it was!

      Then, when I came to Marshalltown the pace slowed down quite a bit. Marshalltown even had the distinction of having the shortest "commute" to work for a town its size in Iowa. My irritation had to do, generally, with meeting another old guy at an intersection.

      Here is the situation. I am pulling up to a four way or two way stop. The guy  across the way facing me is going to go straight. I have my blinker on to make a left turn. This old guy, who probably has all day, waves me to go on. No! No! You have the right of way I wave at him. I know he is also maybe just being polite, but, still! I have gotten over that one pretty much now that I am living even in a smaller town and even more "old guys" around it seems! 

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