Tuesday, November 17, 2015


      Putting on some of my favorite old kid's TV shows reminded me of the miscue's that for some reason I really picked up on as a kid. The classic was, of course, the cowboy shooting at someone with his six shooter and banging on and  on about "10 or 12" times without reloading!  Or, fighting with the bad guy and noticing that he is not coming real close with his punches.

       Also, in a chase on horseback, it always seemed that the good guy would catch up to the bad guy just when they got next to this nice incline so they could both gently down the hill. Most times the good guy would still have on his hat when the fight ended! Also, my hero was always clean shaven and all his clothes seemed to be neatly pressed and clean. Always!

        I didn't learn right away that the furniture in the saloon fight scene was actually balsa wood. And, let's face it with some of those chases that went on for miles, the horses could not have ran at full speed as long as they did! I have other flubs that I will share some other time!


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