Sunday, November 8, 2015


       We see all kinds of things on the social media world of Facebook! Everyone has some kind of agenda. Some like it as a way of showing off their grandchildren, some vacation destinations, others show us places we would like to see or visit, but, at least are showing us beautiful scenery. Some use it to complain, some share recipes, or myself like to just share humor in different forms along with restaurant tips, etc.

        But, when you get into political agenda's with propaganda from different sources and assume when you put them on that all your "friends" share your same beliefs you may have a rude awakening! Most people will let whatever appear and if they don't like it will just go on with no "like" or "comment." 

         Some, like myself will respond especially if I disagree. If you are putting it out there then you should be able to take some criticism. This is a free country and so are these sites. You also have the choice to "defriend" someone and then maybe just get your facebook friends down to people who just think the way you do. Personally, I like to simply poke fun at those that I feel have gone a little to far to extremes! But, as they say: "If you can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen!"   

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