Sunday, November 29, 2015


       This year's Thanksgiving dinner was one of the best ever in recent memory! The leftovers are generally O.K. later, but, nothing compared to the main event! However, tonite was one of those exceptions to the rule, at least for me! 

       Thanks to Ilah, I took the leftover broccoli and cauliflower from the appetizer tray and made a soup that included the above along with onion and celery. Of course it had to be cheesy and so I did have to go the Burg Grocery and buy some shredded cheese. 

       What was funny to me was that there was a CASSEROLE BLEND  which was American, Cheddar, and Mozzarella cheese. It just continues to amaze me, like everything else, how they continue to come up with more varieties and blends. I have to stand there and ponder too long in making the decision on what cheese to use! I am sure this is not the end! No matter. The leftover soup was oooooh, so good!


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