Sunday, October 18, 2015


      I am always reminded every time I assist someone to their vehicle with their grocieries how big pick-ups have gotten. I have nothing against them and their size and the fact that now they come with a back seat along with a back door that swings open to the back. Kind of like the old suicide doors on the Lincoln town cars from decades ago.

      No, my complaint or more like an observation has to do with the height of the truck and the open cargo area in the rear. When I was a kid on the farm I could remember men leaning over the edge of that open area to visit. Even if you weren't very tall you could still look over the edge and could see what was on the floor with ease.

     Not today! At my mere 5' ft 8'" height, I am lucky enough to just toss something over and hopes in lands safely and doesn't break! Ah! The good old days! 

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