Thursday, October 22, 2015


      Sometimes we get involved in a project of some kind and it seems somewhat overwhelming. I have started to work on a project that I am not sure where it will take me, but, I just know I want to do it.

      At first, It seems like I get so excited about something that I just want to try and tackle everything at once. Once I relax and take another look at a situation I start to focus and say to myself "Just take one step at a time!" I guess that is why keeping a "TO DO LIST" handy each day on a 3x5 lined card keeps me focused on knowing what to do each day even if it just a few tasks!

      I am not real good at multi-tasking and I guess being in retirement I don't have that many balls to juggle, but, I like just plugging along and checking those jobs of my list! Somehow it just makes me feel better and worthwhile!

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