Sunday, October 18, 2015


     No doubt about it! Fall is almost everyone's favorite time of the year. It also brings great memories of family and events during that colorful time of the year.

     One that always brings warm memories was when as a family we would go out in the fall and clean and rake up our grove just to the north of our farm home. My mother was always cleaning and that even included the outdoors. Couldn't have a messy grove now could we?

      But, there was one thing I will always remember after picking up sticks and twigs from one end of that grove to the east end near the road that went by our farm house. We would build up a pile of those sticks and branches and prepare a bonfire for our wiener roast. That was the reward! Mom would take time out and would go in the house and bring a tray out with goodies for our supper roast. That was living. I would love to do that one more time!

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