Sunday, October 25, 2015


      This past week as I was doing windows uptown and ran across some cobwebs it reminded of an experience back in the 1980's. My ex-wife, May, worked for at the the time, a production company that actually did the layout work, etc. for advertising companies and in turn represented the client or customer.

      I was used frequently back then in various ads and commercials because of my age, 40ish, and I suppose looked like just an average kind of guy, especially when they needed someone with a suit. (I sold real-estate and in those days you wore a suit!)

     On this one ocassion, I acted as a guy who was bored with his job and was sitting at his desk looking  the part. For an added spoof, the had a small hand held "thing" that looked like a hair dryer and blew out stuff that appeared to be cob-webs! Now I really looked bored and at my job too long! I don't remember who the client was! Probably an Employment Agency!  

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