Thursday, October 22, 2015


      Today most of you I am sure keep various lists on your tablet, lap top, or phone. I am still back in the dark ages where I like to keep most things on paper. Remember paper?

       One of them is my little handy dandy 3x5 lined card that has most every category of a food menu item that I ever would want to prepare for a meal. The front side is  divided twice so that I can get about 30 plus meal ideas on that one side. Everything is simple-hotdog, pizza, tenderloin, tuna casserole, omelette, lasagna, and on and on. You get the picture. On the back I have it about half filled. So maybe around 50 or so meal ideas always on hand plus recipes tucked away in my vault!

      But, working at the Burg Grocery and fetching ideas  there plus my food computer mind constantly working 24-7, I really never have to resort to pulling it down off the refrigerator.
Just in case though! 

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