Sunday, October 25, 2015


      Again, during the 1980's I was called upon to do a commercial or ad if it called for a mature guy that was wearing a suit. This one ocassion, Better Homes & Gardens,Real Estate Division was doing a printed piece about "The selling of a home" and tips etc. They needed someone at this site which was at this actual  home down by the Governor's Mansion off Grand Avenue in Des Moines. 

     I was in my office in West Des Moines at the time and I guess was the only man they could find that had a suit on? The shoot was having a couple standing there in front of this beautiful home , a for sale sign that had a SOLD sticker on it and then along with the Realtor shaking their hand. I was the Realtor.

       The thing that always amazed me was that it took dozens and dozens of shooting exposures on that camera of the photographer to get ONE good picture of that hand shake! He had to have taken three rolls of 36 exposure film to do it. None of this fancy stuff of today with the digital cameras and "smart" contraptions! No, sir! That little pamphlet was used through-out the United States in 100's of real estate offices and probably will always be my biggest nation wide claim to fame!

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