Sunday, October 18, 2015


      Two things that I enjoy very much come to mind this time of year. The Iowa Hawkeyes football games and cleaning windows. Yes, I said cleaning windows.

       When I was just a young kid, one of my jobs on the farm was to go out in the Spring and Fall and clean our downstairs outside windows. That meant taking off those big wood frame screens and bringing up from the basement wood frame storm windows in their place. 

      Of course the outside windows all had to be cleaned with a solution of vinegar and water and then wiped down with paper towels or old rags. It was a bit of hard work, but!

      Of course it had to be a nice sunny fall day to do it and I always had near me my portable blue imitation leather covered portable radio. At one o'clock that dial was on WHO Des Moines, Jim Zabel, the announcer and life was good. The Hawkeyes back in the 1950's had great teams and with Zabel doing the play by play life couldn't have been better!

       So I guess all three things have carried forward for me. Yes! Even doing windows!

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