Saturday, October 31, 2015


      The football season and a snide remark about my age this past week reminded me of a related story fro years ago. It involved attending an Ohio State vs Iowa football game at Kinnick with my friend, Jan Rowley, during the late 1990's. By halftime the score was something like 35-0 in favor of the Buckeyes.

     At that point, I suggested that we go downtown and start the party early at the "Fieldhouse" which was a huge multi-level bar and dance club. There were not that many patrons in at that early hour, but, the music was being played from the disc jockey nest.

     When a good fast tune came up , we went out to the dance floor and did a little bogeying. I will always remember this young guy coming out to the edge of the dance floor when we were done and saying something like it was so nice to see a couple of "older" people out there dancing. We were only in our early to mid 50's at the time! Old! I should have smacked him!
I have news for him! At 71,  I could still get out there and shake a little maybe just not quite as fast! 

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