Sunday, July 24, 2016


       Yesterday it seemed like a good idea to check out the new movie "Star Trek Beyond" on Sunday morning at Corralville for a reasonable $5.00. What was I thinking. Somehow I justified it by thinking I am a sci-fi fan, but, mostly the really old ones like The Day The Earth Stood Still." The one from the early 50's not the later one that came out with Tom Cruise.

        Right from the beginning the Star Fleet was into a fight with some aliens that mainly were like human beings with funny heads. For the first 15-20 minutes it was non stop blasting and blowing up of stuff. The Enterprise got blown apart and the crew was trying to escape in pods. By all rights the alien bad guys should have won easily by the way the action was going. And, of course, most scenes were so dark and blurry you weren't really sure what you were watching!

       Like Popeye I couldn't stand no more. That may be the earliest I have walked out of a movie. Less than half hour. Don't get me wrong. Younger folks will probably just love it as the action is just the way it is today. I tried, but, to no avail. A movie that looks a little more to my speed is coming in September. "Sully" starring Tom Hanks as Captain Sullenberger and directed by Clint Eastwood. I just need to be more patient. Their coming!


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